Friday, November 26, 2010

Passion project

This is my recorded passion project process. It shows how I have altered my passion project throughout the two terms given to complete a topic of choice. I chose to design and make a dollhouse.
The first page is about what I chose for my passion project. It also explains what a passion project is.
The second page is why I chose my passion project. About choosing and stuff.
The third page is about tuning in. Tuning in is a page for where your mind maps (Venn Diagrams, PMI etc). Mind maps are for sorting out and organizing information. I used a Venn Diagram.
The fourth page is the recourse log. It is meant for sorting out information you collect. It shows who, where, what.
The fifth- ninth page is sorting out. This was the depth of the passion project if that made sense. Sorting out is basically a page for all off the information you gather. Mine includes new plans, new information and ideas/ alterations.
The next page is going further. Going further is going further in your information. And its for questions about like what you enjoyed most and what you found most interesting.
The 11th page is the Reflection page. Its where you reflect on your information and where you can make conclusions too.
The 12th page is for sharing. It has questions on how you can share with the community. I put that I can share this with my class, as I will share this on Thursday.
The next page I decided to add. It is the skills I used.

I used Gathering data through all senses, finding humor, remaining open to continuous learning, listening and understanding with empathy, persisting, metacognition, striving for accuracy, thinking interdependently, responding with wonderment and awe, managing impulsivity, thinking flexibly, taking responsible risks, questioning and posing problems and finally applying past knowledge to new situations. I gathered data through all senses because I looked on the computer for information, I listened to experts and I created drawings with my hands. I used finding humor because I had “funny moments” all through out this year. I was always remaining open to continuous learning. I listened and understood carefully to Warren so I used ‘listening and understanding with empathy’. I was always persistent and firm and obstinate continually in spite of difficulty. I was aware and understanding about my passion project so I was sort of using metacognition. I always strived for accuracy I tried my best. I thought interdependently with all the people I worked with like Warren and Pania. I responded with wonderment and awe when I saw my dollhouse. I managed my inpulsivity by not yelling out MY DOLLHOUSE IS AWESOME! I thought flexible by thinking outside of the box. I took a responsible risk by choosing to do my passion project around building. I questioned Warren a lot so I used Questioning and posing problems. I applied past knowledge to my new situation because my mom and I used to decorate old dollhouses. These were all the habits of mind I used.

The fourth last page is a page thanking SIT. The have helped ALOT throughout my project.

The third last page is some photos.

The second last page is about me. I added this in my self as a personnel touch. Its basically my life story. Its sort of funny.

The last page is the goodbye page. Finally finished.

Thats all about my keynote. Thanks, bye!!

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About Me

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My name is Teala. I am very clumsy and shy. Above all things making movies is my favorite. I also love writing and art. I like to play sports too. I love BMX biking, Ice skating, dancing and tennis. I love animals. Giraffes, llamas, elephants and pandas are my favorite. I am interested in horror movies. I don't criticize or tease. I am probably the one being teased. I am very nerdy and different. I will never say never. God bless you.
